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15 Historical Fiction Book Series You Must Read!

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  • April 19, 2024
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  • 6 min read


If you have always been intrigued by stories that take you back in time, allowing you to walk through ages and cultures long gone, then a fantastic historical fiction book series is just the ticket.

It’s like stepping into a time machine, with pages substituting for gears and words powering the engine. You could be bringing down woolly mammoths in prehistoric times one minute, dodging a knight’s fiery mace in a medieval castle the next just a moment later.

A historical fiction book series has an uncanny way of making dry dates and dusty facts spring to life. It wraps knowledge in a cloak of entertainment. With well-wrought characters and dramatic storylines, these stories directly plug us into the mindset and the exploits of people from different epochs. More than ever, they teach us about our shared human spirit.

Every moment you spend engrossed in a historical fiction book series brings joy and expansiveness. Time, after all, is an illusion, a man-made construct, and these books stretch and braid time like master illusionists.

Book Writing Founders have handpicked 15 unmissable historical fiction book series.

1. The Cousins’ War series by Philippa Gregory

For those fascinated by the intrigue of medieval England, Philippa Gregory’s series is an absolute treasure. Focused on a period marked by civil strife known as the Wars of the Roses, this historical series will captivate you with its portrayal of powerful women often left in the shadows of history.

2. The Century Trilogy by Ken Follett

Spanning the major events of the 20th century, Ken Follett’s trilogy is a monumental achievement in historical fiction. Each book in this series deepens into the complexities of wars, revolutions, and social upheavals.

3. The Last Kingdom series by Bernard Cornwell

Bernard Cornwell’s series will engross fans of Viking invasions and the struggle for England. Focusing on the formation of England, this historical series mixes authentic history with thrilling narrative in a way that brings the distant past to vivid life.

4. The Clan of the Cave Bear series by Jean Auel

Travel back to the dawn of humanity with Jean Auel’s pioneering series. Rich in detail and backed by impressive research, this historical fiction book series is a journey into our prehistoric ancestors’ lives, loves, and struggles.

For those inspired to create their historical worlds, fiction writing services offer expert assistance to bring your visions to life.

5. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

A unique blend of historical fiction, romance, and time travel, Diana Gabaldon’s series follows the adventures of Claire Randall, a nurse from the 20th century who finds herself in the Scottish Highlands in the 1740s. Engrossing and detailed, this historical fiction book series is a testament to Gabaldon’s storytelling prowess.

6. The Accursed Kings by Maurice Druon

Described by George R.R. Martin as the original Game of Thrones, Maurice Druon’s series is a must-read for anyone interested in French history or courtly intrigue. Drawing on real historical events and figures, this historical series is as enlightening as it is entertaining.

7. The Masters of Rome Series by Colleen McCullough

McCullough’s sprawling series covers one of history’s most dramatic periods: the fall of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire. With compelling characters and meticulous historical detail, this historical series is a monumental journey into ancient Rome.

8. The Sharpe series by Bernard Cornwell

Another gem by Bernard Cornwell, this series follows the daring exploits of Richard Sharpe, a soldier in the British Army during the Napoleonic Wars. For military history enthusiasts, this historical fiction book series is unmatched in its excitement and accuracy.

9. The Flashman series by George MacDonald Fraser

Blending humor with historical adventure, the Flashman series follows the exploits of a fictional Victorian-era officer who is both a coward and an opportunist. This historical fiction book series is as educational as it is entertaining, providing a satirical lens through which to view the 19th century.

10. Tai-Pan by James Clavell

Set during the founding of Hong Kong in the aftermath of the First Opium War, Tai-Pan is a story of ambition, betrayal, and power. This historical book series vividly brings to life the complexities and challenges of colonial adventures. This historical fiction book series is as educational as it is entertaining, providing a satirical lens through which to view the 19th century.

Writers aiming to craft stories with rich settings and integrating Narrative Writing Elements can get inspiration from this book.

11. The Life of Tecumseh by John Sugden

For a closer look at the Native American perspective, John Sugden’s work is essential. Focused on the legendary Shawnee leader Tecumseh, this historical book series combines impeccable research with compelling storytelling.

12. The Matthew Corbett series by Robert McCammon

In early 18th-century America, Robert McCammon’s series introduces us to Matthew Corbett, a young problem solver embroiled in mysteries and adventures. This book series perfectly captures the spirit and challenges of colonial America.

13. The Guenevere and Tristan and Isolde trilogies by Rosalind Miles

Rosalind Miles offers a fresh and enchanting take on Arthurian legends through the eyes of its pivotal female figures. Both trilogies are exceptional for their lush storytelling and rich historical backdrops.

14. The Margaret of Ashbury trilogy by Judith Merkle Riley

Set in the mid-14th century, Judith Merkle Riley’s trilogy follows Margaret of Ashbury, who, after a near-death experience, discovers she has healing powers. This historical fiction book series beautifully blends humor, history, and mysticism.

15. The  Last Days of Night by Graham Moore

Revisit the electrifying battle between Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse through Graham Moore’s engaging narrative. Though technically not a series, this novel provides a detailed and fascinating exploration of America’s Gilded Age and the dawn of electrical power’s widespread use.


Imagine having a magic window that lets you peek into different parts of history. That’s what these 15 historical fiction book series are like. They take you on exciting trips to the past.

These books make history fun and alive, filling it with adventures, mystery, and action. It’s like watching colorful movies of the past right in your mind.

These stories show how people lived, dreamed, and overcame challenges, helping us see how our world is shaped today.

We hope that with this guide, you will be able to choose a book series that you will enjoy for sure. For those inspired to write their tales, remember that your book Writing Journey can start with the flicker of imagination sparked by the stories of our past.

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